#Release Day!! Mr. Black & Mr. White: Masters of Domination

Mr Black & Mr White Banner Release Day

Mr. Black & Mr. White: Masters of Domination by [Keys, Ellie]Title: Mr. Black & Mr. White: Masters of Domination

Author: Ellie Keys

Genre: Erotica

Publication Date: August 16, 2016


Blurb from GoodReads:

Brought up in a world they didn’t ask to be a part of, these two men do what is needed to make a name for themselves and take control of a situation they never wanted to have to deal with.
Mr. black is the passionate, controlled one of the two. Everything is about the end result. The peaks and valleys suit his rough and tumble nature.
Mr. white is the clean cut, crisp and sometimes cruel one of the two. All that he is has to do with the details.
The pleasure found when these two work in tandem is awe inspiring enough to cause members of their society to work together to rid their group of two of the most renowned names to ever step foot in a playroom.
When a past incident comes to light and the one they left behind is threatened, will the two do what is necessary to save her or will the masters of Domination make the ultimate sacrifice.

Deception is a game best played by a master!!

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Mr. B & Mr. W Teaser 1Mr. B & Mr. W Teaser 2Mr. B & Mr W TeaserMr. B & Mr. W Teaser 3


Author Bio:

Ellie KeysEllie Keys is a Mystery/Thriller and Romance author. The more diabolical the read the better. One of her pet peeves is being able to guess the ending before she gets there. She also enjoys reading all things romance, whether it’s paranormal, mythological, mystery or contemporary doesn’t matter. Her favorite things to do are mostly centered around books. Other pastimes are going to the movies, playing around on social media and she’s addicted to word games: Scrabble, Text Twist, Wheel of Fortune. Cookie Jam and Bubble Witch have commandeered her free time lately.
Ellie Keys is from Michigan and a graduate of Central Michigan University with a degree in psychology. This degree allows her acknowledge that she may be a little bit off because of all of the talk about hearing voices that don’t allow her to sleep. The good thing about that is she is in good company. She was happy to learn that she wasn’t alone when she talked to other authors.

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Upcoming #Release!!!

Coming soon

30629152Title: The J.H.C. Series

Series: J.H.C.

Series Number: #1-5

Genre: Romance/Erotica

Publisher: Life In E – motion Inc

Expected Publication Date: July 26, 2016

Pages: 131



Five hot and steamy romances that will tug at your heartstrings and kick up the temperature. Get ready!

A Military Romance Series:
Book 1 – Brian’s Call: Sometimes you need to call on the most unlikely individuals to make the impossible possible.
Book 2 – Belinda’s Mission: Sometimes the easiest road to take isn’t the high road.
Book 3 – Sam’s Communication: Not always is it easiest to do what’s best for all involved.
Book 4 – Charlie’s Activation: The most unlikely choice can be the best man for the job.
Book 5 – Wellsie’s Dilemma: Sometimes all you need is one shot to make the call of a lifetime.

The members of the team learn how to balance family and work when the lives they’ve led get turned on their head. Their unit can only grow stronger as the crew gets closer.

**Not suitable for children. The heat is consuming. 18+ eyes only**

Pre-order your copy today!!

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#EllieKeys Reign Again by Ellie Keys (New Release & Giveaway)


Title:  Reign Again

Author: Ellie Keys

Genre:  Contemporary Romance

Release Date:  May  17th, 2016

Reign Again


Sometimes I wish it would rain.

                Sometimes I wish it would pour

                                But most times

                                                I just wish I could learn to soar

Learning to soar

I’ve spent most of my life living for others, guided by another and shown what “is best” for me. One morning, I decided I’d reached the end of my rope with the life I was leading. That was the morning I became Reign again.

~Reign Amethyst Jeffries


Reign Again w Jase

ReignAgainby Ellie Keys

I Wish It Would Reign - jpg


“I was looking for my clothes so I could make my exit. You didn’t leave that information in your note.”
His smile faltered when he looked at what was left of my dress that I’d been wearing the night before. The look he was sporting had me giggling because he looked like a little kid that figured out he shouldn’t roll his toy car in the street with other cars. Very specific example there, might want to get out a bit more, Reign.
“What was that last bit there? What specific example?”
His look and words had me realizing that I hadn’t just thought that, I’d actually spoken that aloud.
“Ha. Yeah, that was in reference to something that I was thinking, which I believed I’d said only in my head. Okay. We’re going to move passed that one. I need to get something from you.”
At his quirked eyebrow and questioning glance, I quickly corrected my statement.
“I mean, I need some clothes or pants. I can’t leave here with just this shirt.”
He gave me an appreciative once over and muttered something to himself. Was he actually attracted to me or just the fact that there was a half-naked woman in front of him? Hold on, or was he recalling something we did last night?
“Did we … did you and I have sex last night?”
My face must’ve reflected the sheer terror that I felt at the possibility that I did something that stupid. I’m a mother. I cannot have idiotic moments like that. The man is “fuck me until I don’t know my own name” hot, but I don’t have time for getting caught up in a moment.
“Relax, Reign. We didn’t do anything.”
My face fell. I was scrutinizing his features as I relaxed about the fact that we hadn’t done anything, but I needed to be sure.
“You’re sure? Nothing, absolutely nothing, happened between the two of us?”
His chest moved up and down as he released a chuckle then an exasperated sigh. His hands moved to his pockets as he responded.
“Reign, I assure you, nothing happened between us last night.”
The way he adamantly spoke told me that he was telling the truth. Now, I felt like a fool because I wanted to know why nothing happened. We were obviously attracted to one another. I mean I was checking him out and he was doing the same. Chewing the inside of my jaw, I thought about last night and tried to remember the details. I really wanted to know why we hadn’t done anything. Since we hadn’t, how in the hell did I end up in his shirt?
“Reign, I can see the cogs of that brain of yours working. There are several reasons why we didn’t do anything. For one, I prefer conscious women when engaging in sexual activity. Call me old fashioned that way. Two, I don’t make it a habit to bring women to this place. It is where I lay my head when I have to work. I left the party last night with you and brought you here. On my way here, I called a doctor friend of mine and she came to check you out. She’s the one that changed your clothes from the ones you got sick all over. FYI, you got mine as well. She helped you clean up and put you in that shirt. Third, she could barely get you out of the clothes you were in. You fought Marlena the entire time. Call me crazy, but I don’t fight women to bed them. I prefer a willing participant.” He smiled then shook his head before adding, “In the spirit of full disclosure, I rifled through your bag to find your phone so I would have your number to call the famous woman who passed out on me last night.”

Purchase Links: 

Amazon | B&N | Kobo | I-Tunes

Fine art black and white photo of beautiful young woman with eye



a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author: 

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.

She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance and suspense seekers. She invites you to follow her via social media.

Social Media Links:

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Ellie Keys


30 days of me – Get to know the author – Twenty-Two #EllieKeys

Ellie Keysget to know me

Today is Day Twenty-Two of my daily posts of something new about me or “Get to know the author”.

Yesterday’s post was about my commute details. I revealed what I do in prepping for my commute. If you missed it, then feel free to go back and check it out.



Two words/phrases that make you laugh?

  1. Bootylicious – Just because it is so redunkulous! It cracks me up. I know it was coined by Destiny’s Child, but it is something that makes people’s faces contort or has them making extra motions when they say it. It doesn’t matter when or how people say it, it is never said with a straight face. Maybe it’s not the word, but the way people say it.
  2. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious – I’m a musical fanatic and this word just makes me giddy. I feel like the little girl I was the first time that I watched it anytime someone mentions it. I want to sing when I hear it said correctly. If you don’t know what movie I’m talking about … WHERE YOU BEEN?


Day Twenty-Two complete!

what-do-you-want dreamstimemedium_19473030-300x300what-do-you-want

Feel free to ask me a question or post a comment. It is truly welcomed! 🙂

about the author

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.

She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance lovers and suspense seekers.

stalk me

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Worthy Cause – Have you supported?

From Ellie Keys and 14 other authors

Have you supported?

(Release Day Blitz) Rebuilding Trust by Elison Grace



Rebuilding Trust by Elison Grace

Release date: Nov. 3, 2015

Cover design: Cover Me Darling


The only thing Cory took serious was his career as a firefighter. His relationships consisted of nothing more than one night stands.

Until he met her.

After Carrie’s heart has been shattered she changed her life. Forced herself to become a strong-willed, independent woman. She didn’t need anyone to support her.

Especially a man.

Cory makes it his mission to win Carrie’s love and trust. Can he help rebuild her shattered heart or will their hearts end up in a pile of ashes?

Where to Buy



July 2013 Carrie

There are those defining moments in life when your world as you have known it is ripped away from you. You have to decide if you are going to lie down and let it crush you or if you’re going to get up, strap on your big girl panties, and make a new life. I chose the latter. When my world and future were ripped away from me, I chose to redefine myself and become an independent woman. I have been dependent on people my entire life and it has gotten me nothing, but heartache and pain. Time for a change.

I could not believe that I was preparing to marry the man I have loved since I was sixteen years old. Standing in front of the mirror, I felt like a cake topper in my mother’s choice of dress. It was not me at all. You could barely see me or my figure amongst the mounds of tulle in the skirt. The top was long sleeved with lace resting along the collar bone and the back dipping wide, stopping just below my shoulder blades. My exposed shoulder blades were the only skin you could find in this dress. I wanted to take it off as soon as I put it on, but, for my mother’s sake, I came out to show the group. I don’t know why I bothered. There was not a dress in the universe that would make us both happy. This could be why my wedding dress was one of the last things I needed to pick for the wedding.

If I was being honest, it was one of the only things I really got to pick. My mother was trying to hijack that too. When she heard that Toby and I had gotten engaged, she immediately got on the phone with Lois, Toby’s mom. Together the two of them had been planning their dream wedding for us. They came together to pick the location of the wedding, reception, and over the top hotel ballroom. The colors, robin’s egg blue with ivory accents and ivory roses all around, are boring. I let them plan it all because they were paying and I didn’t care enough to fight. I just wanted to be married to Toby. He was my heart. We had been together since we were sixteen. Nobody knew me better than him. He was my constant, my strength, and I couldn’t wait to have that in my life forever. That’s I all I cared about. They could have the rest, except for the dress. I wanted to pick a dress that made me feel beautiful, confidant, and not like a cake topper.

“Oh, you look like a bride!” Mother cooed as Lois nodded her agreement. Rolling my eyes, I decided I had to take a stand or I would be stuck in this monstrosity of a wedding dress for my wedding.

“I hate this and I’m not going to wear it. I am going to go back in there, resist the urge to burn this dress, and come out in something I love. This is my day. I appreciate everything you two have done for me, but I need to pick the dress myself.”

Gathering the mass of tulle, I stormed off into the dressing room. The consultant followed me in.

“From now on we are just focusing on my picks. Let’s start with that one, please,” I said as I pointed to the dress that caught my eye as soon as I walked in.

Sliding the dress over my head, she zipped it up and I turned to face the mirror. Goose bumps pricked my arms and my breath caught. This is the dress that I would marry Toby in.

The dress was everything I never knew I wanted. It just felt right. The bodice was covered in intricate, flower patterned lace with pearl straps. The skirt was light ivory tulle with a shear organza overlay. The same lace from the bodice adorned the bottom of the skirt. The piece that made it perfect was the silver belt that was intricately detailed like the lace and had pearl accents throughout.

I had considered taking it off and having them ring it up. I really didn’t want the mothers to ruin this for me. There was no way that would have been acceptable to the mothers. I went out there to let them know that this was the one and I would not change my mind.

Stepping onto the podium, I looked at myself in the big mirror.

This was it and I just had to make them see it. I called the bridal consultant over and asked her if she could get me a veil to put on with the dress. I needed all the help I could get to get us all on the same page.

Turning toward the group, I waited for them to shoot the dress down so I could defend it. My mother’s hand flew to her mouth. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears. She looked over at my future mother-in-law and they both nodded.

“This is it. You look gorgeous,” my mother-in-law said.

Yes! I have found the one! Turning back to the mirror I inspected myself. I looked like a bride. I was going to walk down the aisle and marry the man of my dreams in this dress. He was going to love it.

My phone chirped from my purse that I had left with my mother. I ignored it. This wasn’t the time for texts. It was time for my celebration. The phone chirped three more times consecutively so I decided that whoever it was must think that whatever they had to say was important. Stepping off the pedestal, I dug my phone from my purse and slid my finger across the screen to see who it was. There were four texts from Toby.

Opening the first one, I gasped. It was a close up picture of a girl with her lips wrapped around a dick. At first, I was like, what the fuck is this? Upon closer inspection, I saw the black tribal tattoo down his side that I knew so well. I sat beside Toby when he got it last year. My hands began to shake. I know I shouldn’t have opened the rest, but, I couldn’t seem to stop myself. The next one was a picture of Toby and a bleached blonde kissing. Tears streamed down my face as everyone watched me. I hadn’t said a word so they don’t know that my heart was shattering. Opening the third, my eyes landed on a picture that looked like it was taken by Toby. It showed the entire front of the same girl, fully naked and exposed, as she was riding him. My knees buckled as I looked at it and my future was ripped away from me. I switched to the final text.

Toby: Heard you were getting married. Wanted to show you who you were committing your life to.

I threw the phone as if the words had burned me. I sat there, on the floor, in a pile of tulle and organza crying over my shattered heart and demolished future.

They say that timing is everything and the timing of the job offer to be a teacher at Loveland Elementary in Colorado couldn’t have been better if I had planned it. I had just recently graduated from Iowa State with a teaching degree. Originally the plan was to try to get a position around Ames, get married, have the two point five kids, and live happily ever after with my high school sweetheart. It was the fairytale everyone talks about. That fairy tale had been crushed and it was time to create a new story featuring me alone as the heroine. I hadn’t applied for jobs at schools out of state so I was surprised when they called me asking if I would be interested in starting in the upcoming school year. I guess my professor had a friend there and called them to recommend me after she had heard that I may need a new start. I could kiss her for that because it was exactly what I needed. I accepted the position without any hesitation and began arranging my new life in Loveland, Colorado.

Through the internet I found a girl who was looking for a roommate. She was a nurse at the cancer center there and seemed really nice. My parents helped me with starting money because they really wanted me to move away. They didn’t like the way my tainted marriage plans and decimated future had ruined the Robinson family name. Apparently, I was now an embarrassment because Toby was sticking his dick in other women behind my back.

My car was packed to the brim with all of my possessions. If it didn’t fit in the car, it was staying there. Can you think of a better way to force a new start? I can’t. I didn’t have the room to bring my past with me so I had to go and start anew in a new place, starting with new stuff.

Waking up early, I slide into my Grand Am SE. I didn’t bother to say goodbye to mother or the rest of the family. What would have been the point? They wanted me gone so I’m gone. They were not getting any teary, heartfelt goodbyes. They would just be a lie anyway. Backing from the driveway, I start the long drive to Colorado; to my new life.

Cory square



Where to Buy

On sale now

Amazon http://amzn.to/1Lr85lL

The Author

Elison lives in Iowa with her husband, daughter, and naughty dog named Murray. She works on a blog and loves to read. She thinks that is a big reason she started writing. Elison writes contemorary romance and is currently working on the Loveland Series about hot firefighters.

Author Links


Win a signed paperback of Rebuilding Trust and a love prize pack


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The Norton Sisters Renewed *****Cover Reveal*****

Chyra final ebook cover

****^*AVAILABLE NOW******

In ebook and paperback (B&N, Amazon, Pre-order & CreateSpace.com)

Chyra, Book 4 (The Norton Sisters Series)

Chyra’s secret is revealed in book 3.5.  The family has learned about little Zachariah and have given her all kinds of hell about it.  They don’t know that’s not the only secret she has.  Just wait until they learn the rest of her secrets.

Isaac has been nice enough to stay away from his wife while she sorts out her life.  Finally, fed up and having had enough, he pays a surprise visit to Tempa.

What he finds may just be more than he bargained for when he determined/decided to take the youngest Norton sister as his wife?

Add to the mix, the father of her newly revealed son and you have a trifecta that is sure to rock the worlds of every member of the Norton family whether they be related by blood or by marriage.  Sometimes hiding isn’t the best remedy.  Chyra may just wish that she didn’t return once all comes out.

The Norton Sisters Series is a series about six sisters that share the same last name, but are six entirely different women. The sisters by age ranking: Zoie, Wynter, Rayna, Nyema, Lynnia and Chyra are there for each other, always. They follow their own little “Norton Code”: “In the end, family means everything and your sisters hold you up. No matter what may come.”

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Books 1-4

By the end of the month all of the sisters covers will be updated to reflect the beauties showcased above and below!! Yay for me!


Rayna 1 - Final cover

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Zoie Cover ebook cover

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Nyema book 3 ebook cover Final

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Available Now…An Author’s Tale by Ellie Keys



Not everyone that dreams is dreaming good dreams.
Being a romance author doesn’t always allow for the positive.
Stephanie Daniels finds herself in a place that she never thought that she’d be. Everything was going her way. She had things all lined up. At least it had been until she’d gone away to a New York book signing. Meeting Daniel White, cover model extraordinaire, would have been the greatest thing had the events that followed the meeting NOT happened.
If she were writing her own story, then she would just kill herself off. It would put her out of her misery and probably solve a lot of her problems. Life just had to get better, didn’t it?


Where to buy
Amazon B&N

an authors tale banner

 The Author 
 Ellie Keys is a Mystery/Thriller and Romance author. The more diabolical the read the better. One of her pet peeves is being able to guess the ending before she gets there. She also enjoys reading all things romance, whether it’s paranormal, mythological, mystery or contemporary doesn’t matter. Her favorite things to do are mostly centered around books. Other pastimes are going to the movies, playing around on social media and she’s addicted to word games: Scrabble, Text Twist, Wheel of Fortune. Cookie Jam and Bubble Witch have commandeered her free time lately.
Ellie Keys is from Michigan and a graduate of Central Michigan University with a degree in psychology. This degree allows her acknowledge that she may be a little bit off because of all of the talk about hearing voices that don’t allow her to sleep. The good thing about that is she is in good company. She was happy to learn that she wasn’t alone when she talked to other authors.
ellie keyes logo

Follow her here:

Free ebooks from me!!

Live In "E" motion
Live in “E” motion

Hello All,

I have been diligently working to get a couple of my book set as free ebooks. I am happy to report that I am making strides in that direction. The first book in my series: The Norton Sisters has finally been set as a free read on Amazon as well as Barnes and Noble. Here are the links for Rayna: Amazon and Barnes and Noble

Here is my poetry book as well: Life in “E” motion

They are also available on I-tunes, Kobo, Scribed, etc.  I knew these were the more popular sites so I thought I’d share them.

Thank you so much for taking a moment to read my little post.  Other free and discounted books from various authors will be posted soon.  Check back often or watch the Facebook page.  I’ve also updated my website: E.L.R. Jones

Enjoy life to the fullest through a good book.
