#EllieKeys Review Week is HERE (An Author’s Tale)

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Title:  An Author’s Tale

Series: Stephanie Daniels’ Story, Book 1

Publisher: Booktrope Editions

Re-Release Date: Jan. 12, 2016

Cover Artist: Cheeky Cherry Cover Designs

Genre: Romantic Comedy

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Praise for An Author’s Tale:

*I couldn’t put it down … Amazing is the chemistry they have for one another … I would recommend this story to everyone!!!
*I laughed, cried, laughed a lot more then screamed at the end. I loved the characters, all snarky and smart mouthed. I laughed so much while reading this book. Oh, and Danny is my book boyfriend so don’t even think about it! LOL!
*A must read for anyone wanting a good laugh, a few awww’s, characters to fall in love with and a heroine that isn’t a size.
*I especially loved the interaction between Stephanie and her best friend Rhonnie. I highly recommend this story to all.
*This is the first book I have read by this author & it left me wanting more as soon as I finished.



Adjustment period. That is what I’m calling this time. I have nothing else to call it. I thought this would be simple. I thought I’d be able to breeze through this and keep it as I saw it in my mind. I expected us to be able to cohabitate as roommates would. It didn’t matter to me that we were expecting a baby together. All I cared about was keeping things civil. I didn’t want to argue. I had no strength to fight because, let me tell you, having Daniel White’s baby is no cakewalk. This child is kicking my ass in the energy department. I mean I have none, at all.

I didn’t understand before why women slept so much during pregnancy. I completely understand now. Hell, I applaud any of the ones that decided to have another. This shit right here. Oh my DAMN! I feel like I should change my name to exhausted, hateful bitch. I’ve heard those words mumbled quite a bit over the last few months.

Paul is still purposely annoying the hell out of Danny. I’ll admit that I am still enjoying every part of that. I guess it’s partly because of how demanding and alpha he was in the beginning. What am I talking about? How alpha he still is? What part of the male psyche tells them that once they’ve pumped their seed into a woman and life has begun to form that they have control over the woman’s body? Yes, I’m carrying the man’s child, but I am not some prizewinning horse or champion-breeding mare that “belongs” to him. I’ve voiced that opinion on several occasions, which resulted in one of the first times that I heard the mumbled “hateful bitch”.

I think he might just regret having picked up his life and moved it here to the good ole state of Ohio. I know he has to miss the warmth that was there in Sacramento. I’ve asked him a couple times if he misses it or thinks he’ll ever return. The question usually comes when he gets on my damn nerves being his general male self. I brought it up yesterday because all of his maleness was making my pregnant ass horny as hell.

“So, do you think you’ll be going to Sacramento soon to visit your family?” I asked as he finished fixing me a plate of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy (homemade) with corn, broccoli and homemade biscuits.

He looked at me and smirked, “Still trying to get rid of me, are you? You can let that go, beautiful. I’m here. I know there’s a lot about me that irritates the ever-living shit out of you. I chalk part of that up to the pregnancy hormones. A part of that goes to you being in a situation that you didn’t expect to be in. Then a tiny little portion is actually directed at me for my part in your being pregnant. Now that I know that I’ve gotten on your nerves today, should I be expecting a visit from your friend, Paul?”

There goes that idea.


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Purchase Links:

Amazon | B & N | I-tunes | Paperback | Amazon (UK) | Amazon (CAN)

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about the author

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.

She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance lovers and suspense seekers.

Social Media: stalk me

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#EllieKeys An Author’s Tale by Ellie Keys (Revamped!)

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Title:  An Author’s Tale

Series: Stephanie Daniels’ Story, Book 1

Publisher: Booktrope Editions

Re-Release Date: Jan. 12, 2016

Cover Artist: Cheeky Cherry Cover Designs

Genre: Romantic Comedy

AAT eBook Final



Adjustment period. That is what I’m calling this time. I have nothing else to call it. I thought this would be simple. I thought I’d be able to breeze through this and keep it as I saw it in my mind. I expected us to be able to cohabitate as roommates would. It didn’t matter to me that we were expecting a baby together. All I cared about was keeping things civil. I didn’t want to argue. I had no strength to fight because, let me tell you, having Daniel White’s baby is no cakewalk. This child is kicking my ass in the energy department. I mean I have none, at all.

I didn’t understand before why women slept so much during pregnancy. I completely understand now. Hell, I applaud any of the ones that decided to have another. This shit right here. Oh my DAMN! I feel like I should change my name to exhausted, hateful bitch. I’ve heard those words mumbled quite a bit over the last few months.

Paul is still purposely annoying the hell out of Danny. I’ll admit that I am still enjoying every part of that. I guess it’s partly because of how demanding and alpha he was in the beginning. What am I talking about? How alpha he still is? What part of the male psyche tells them that once they’ve pumped their seed into a woman and life has begun to form that they have control over the woman’s body? Yes, I’m carrying the man’s child, but I am not some prizewinning horse or champion-breeding mare that “belongs” to him. I’ve voiced that opinion on several occasions, which resulted in one of the first times that I heard the mumbled “hateful bitch”.

I think he might just regret having picked up his life and moved it here to the good ole state of Ohio. I know he has to miss the warmth that was there in Sacramento. I’ve asked him a couple times if he misses it or thinks he’ll ever return. The question usually comes when he gets on my damn nerves being his general male self. I brought it up yesterday because all of his maleness was making my pregnant ass horny as hell.

“So, do you think you’ll be going to Sacramento soon to visit your family?” I asked as he finished fixing me a plate of meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy (homemade) with corn, broccoli and homemade biscuits.

He looked at me and smirked, “Still trying to get rid of me, are you? You can let that go, beautiful. I’m here. I know there’s a lot about me that irritates the ever-living shit out of you. I chalk part of that up to the pregnancy hormones. A part of that goes to you being in a situation that you didn’t expect to be in. Then a tiny little portion is actually directed at me for my part in your being pregnant. Now that I know that I’ve gotten on your nerves today, should I be expecting a visit from your friend, Paul?”

There goes that idea.


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Purchase Links:

Amazon | B & N | I-tunes | Paperback | Amazon (UK) | Amazon (CAN)

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about the author

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.

She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance lovers and suspense seekers.

Social Media: stalk me

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