#EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors – Alexis Noelle


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I am beyond grateful to all of the authors that were willing to participate in this little project of mine. Today was set to be the final day for my project, but I have a few more interviews set to post. I am officially in 31+ Days of Authors. I am ecstatic to present this talented authors interview.

EK– My message to all the authors: Thank you so very much for being willing to sign up to do this interview. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to get to know you, share your thoughts, and highlight your work.

EK:  What is your pen name?  

Alexis NoelleAlexis Noelle

    1. Is it different from the name on your birth certificate? Alexis NoelleYes, very!
    2. How did you come up with your pen name? Alexis NoelleIt’s a play on my daughters name.

EK:  Does your work fit into one genre? If not, tell us about it. If so, do the same.

Alexis NoelleI write contemporary romance but I have many different sub genres inside of it. I have books with musicians, military, college, MMA, and a MC.

EK:   What is the title of your most recent or upcoming release?

Alexis NoelleMy most recent release is Corrupted. I have an upcoming release on 4/18 called Heinous.

EK:  What inspired this work?

Alexis NoelleI like a lot of other people got hooked on Sons Of Anarchy. The MC genre really interested me and I decided to try my hand at writing one.

EK:  What is your favorite thing about writing?

Alexis NoelleI like being able to write and do things I myself have never done, or share things I have done.

EK: Now for the fun stuff …

EK:  What is your favorite snack while taking a much needed author break?

Alexis Noelle: Dark chocolate

EK:  The house is on fire, what are you grabbing if your family is safe and sound?

Alexis Noelle: My phone.

EK:  What is your “go to” movie, book, or show?

Alexis Noelle:  This is always hard for me. I am really into MC books right now so I might say those.

EK: Who is one of your favorite authors? Why?

Alexis Noelle::I don’t really have a favorite author. I read so many great books that it’s hard to pinpoint one.

EK: Bonus => Have you ever read a book that had you questioning why you were having such a reaction to fictional characters? What book was it?

Alexis Noelle: Yes! Taking Chances by Molly McAdams completely tore me apart.

AN latest work

EK: Please share your social media links:

Facebook http://on.fb.me/1zdctEN

Twitter – @_alexisnoelle_

Instagram – _alexisnoelle_

Snapchat – alexisnoelle01


Email alexisnoelleauthor@gmail.com


Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1vW0nib

Amazon Author Page http://amzn.to/1D7JIHb

Event Pre-order Formhttp://bit.ly/15B6oEG

Paperback Order Form http://bit.ly/1GVHkcD

EK: Please share your purchase links:

Fall For Me

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1CrWoxr

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1GVdeBa

Wait For Me

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1S7CxKG

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1Tb3YAm

Fight For Me

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1KtQazU

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1GVdvUC

Breaking Free

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1MfOvwU

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1L9lBh0

Shattered Innocence (Shattered #1)

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1m8hOqK

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/15yqbnY

Audio book – http://adbl.co/1IteOtN

Shattered Lives (Shattered #2)

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1wp8zRF

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1zLtQw7

Shattered Duet

Amazon –

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1QGz13I

Fractured Volume One

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1CHZV81

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1uOk37n

Fractured Volume Two

Amazon – http://bit.ly/1Dh2n72

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1Jr3l0J

Fractured Volume Three

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1AysQWQ

Goodreads –http://bit.ly/1zdf7ur  

Fractured Box Set

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1h8j37D

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1O3rcFC

Keeping Her

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1EP1DH2

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1H72TmX

Protecting Her

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1QxLGLU

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1LVADp9

Saving Her

Amazon –  http://amzn.to/1TwXWOd

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1cs9kGX

Claiming Her

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1LI4Iry

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1MZgP62


Amazon – http://amzn.to/1o3ncOc

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1LA5wRt

Ground & Pound

Amazon – http://amzn.to/1Qiem5G

Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1ONX8BS


Goodreads – http://bit.ly/1PWBfBF

Thank you to Alexis Noelle for taking the time to answer these questions. You are appreciated. 

Come back tomorrow to read what responses the next author gives.


#EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors – Kristen Proby teaser

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LISTEN TO ME is a contemporary romance novel being published on April 12th by HarperCollins’ William Morrow imprint and is the first novel in Kristen’s Fusion Series.


In New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Kristen Proby’s brand new series, five best friends open a hot new restaurant, but one of them gets much more than she bargained for when a sexy former rock star walks through the doors—and into her heart.

Seduction is quickly becoming the hottest new restaurant in Portland, and Addison Wade is proud to claim 1/5 of the credit. She’s determined to make it a success and can’t think of a better way to bring in new customers than live music. But when former rock star Jake Keller swaggers through the doors to apply for the weekend gig, she knows she’s in trouble. Addie instantly recognizes him—his posters were plastered all over her bedroom walls in high school—he’s all bad boy…exactly her type and exactly what she doesn’t need.

Jake Keller walked away from the limelight five years ago and yearns to return to what’s always driven him: the music. If he gets to work for a smart-mouthed, funny-as-hell bombshell, all the better. But talking Addie into giving him the job is far easier than persuading her that he wants more than a romp in her bed. Just when she begins to drop her walls, Jake’s past finally catches up with him.

Will Addie be torn apart once again or will Jake be able to convince her to drown out her doubts and listen to her heart?

Continue reading #EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors – Kristen Proby teaser

#EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors – Erin Quinn


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EK– My message to all the authors: Thank you so very much for being willing to sign up to do this interview. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to get to know you, share your thoughts, and highlight your work.

EQ (<-This one came from the author. I love it because that’s the way I kept up with all of the photos and things.)Erin Quinn:  Thanks so much for inviting me, Ellie.  It’s my pleasure to be here.

EK:  Does your work fit into one genre? If not, tell us about it. If so, do the same.

Erin Quinn:   I write in multiple genres from contemporary, to time travel to dark paranormal to historical.  I like to blend genres so you might find elements of all in my books.

EK:   What is the title of your most recent or upcoming release?

Erin Quinn:   The Seven Sins of Ruby Love will be out next year from Simon and Schuster.  It’s the third book in my Beyond series.

EK:  What inspired this work?

Erin Quinn:   I generally suck at giving my books titles, but this series came to me title first.  Book one was the Five Deaths of Roxanne Love, #2 The Three Fates of Ryan Love and #3, The Seven Sins of Ruby Love.  In between have been novellas The Forbidden Life of Alex Moore and The Resurrection of Sam Sloan.  I just found out this morning that Sam’s story is a RITA finalist this year.  (!)  The series is set in the Beyond, a place that is heaven, hell and everything in between.  Believe me, there’s a lot in between.

EK:  What is your favorite thing about writing?

Erin Quinn: The End, ha ha.  (<- HA!)

EK: Now for the fun stuff …

EK:  What is your favorite snack while taking a much needed author break?

Erin Quinn:   Coffee.  I know it’s not a food group, but it should be.

EK: What is one of the craziest things you’ve done in your life?

Erin Quinn:   Sat in the gas chamber at the Florence State Penitentiary and lived to tell about it. (<- Oh my goodness! Was anyone else as shocked as I was when I read this?)

EK:  The house is on fire, what are you grabbing if your family is safe and sound?

Erin Quinn:   Dogs are safe, too?  In that case, my computer.

EK:  What is your “go to” movie, book, or show?

Erin Quinn:   Pride and Prejudice for movie and book.  Not sure on show.

EK: Who is one of your favorite authors? Why?

Erin Quinn:  I have too many to list.  Seriously.  There are so many talented authors out there.

EK: Bonus => Have you ever read a book that had you questioning why you were having such a reaction to fictional characters? What book was it?

Erin Quinn:  Hmmm, interesting question.  Probably Atonement.  I was not a fan of that book, yet it received so much acclaim.  After the movie came out, I watched it to see if I’d feel differently.  The answer was no.  I didn’t feel that Briony atoned for all the damage she did at all and I disliked her immensely.

EQ nomination

EK: Please share your social media links:


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ErinQuinnAuthor

Twitter: @ErinQuinnAuthor 

EK: Please share your purchase links:

The Resurrection of Sam Sloan:

AmazonIbooksNook| Kobo 

     Erin Quinn: Thanks again for having me!

Thank you to Erin Quinn for taking the time to answer these questions. You are appreciated. 

Come back tomorrow to read what author Kristen Proby has in store for us.


#EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors – Khai L. Bayne


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Khai L. Bayne … what can I say? The woman cracks me up. I’ve met her once, but she has stuck with me. The videos she shares and the photos she tags me in make my week. The woman is insane. I can’t say enough about how much she keeps me in stitches. Looking forward to the next work. Here is our interview:

EK– My message to all the authors: Thank you so very much for being willing to sign up to do this interview. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to get to know you, share your thoughts, and highlight your work.

EK:  What is your pen name?

    1. Is it different from the name on your birth certificate?
    2. How did you come up with your pen name?

Khai L. Bayne: Khai L. Bayne is the name that I publish under. Yes, it is completely different than my government name. When I was getting ready to publish my first book I went back and forth for a while trying to figure out whether I wanted to use my name or be someone completely different. Since I couldn’t necessarily publish under the name Batman, I figured why not come up with something equally as awesome (to me anyway), so that is how Khai came about.

EK:  Does your work fit into one genre? If not, tell us about it. If so, do the same.

Khai L. Bayne: To be perfectly honest, I don’t really ever know what genre my books fit into. I tell people all the time ‘I have a paranormal and a non- paranormal series’. Mainly because I have an issue with defining my work until after it is written and even then I cry to my PAs and betas to help me figure it out. The categories my books have been labeled in with their help is pretty much as follows:
Indebted Series: Paranormal, Noir, Mystery
Brotherhood of Misfits Series: Romantic Suspense, Mystery/Suspense, Second Chance. Side Note: This series deals with a lot of issues, from Domestic Abuse to Substance Abuse, and will probably tap dance with a lot of shit in between. So every book will probably have a different genre it fits in, but I’m not stressing it, the stories will be awesome regardless.

EK:   What is the title of your most recent or upcoming release?

Khai L. Bayne: Most recent work I am currently putting the finishing touches on is Brotherhood of Misfits: Paul (BoM #2)

EK:  What inspired this work?

Khai L. Bayne: This book deals with self-harm, attempted suicide, and substance abuse. Truthfully, it was inspired by a really pretty semi colon tattoo I saw on someone in store one day, then just kind of snowballed from there.

I wanted to write a story that talked about the issue without it being centered on the most talked about demographic, which is young girls. I decided to write the story about a grown man who kept his part of his life hidden, until it all finally all fell apart.

EK:  What is your favorite thing about writing?

Khai L. Bayne: Getting lost in the story being created. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fallen asleep imagining the next scenario in my books. (<- I’ve definitely been there.)

EK: Now for the fun stuff …

EK:  What is your favorite snack while taking a much needed author break?

Khai L. Bayne: Dark Chocolate anything, and Soda.

EK: What is one of the craziest things you’ve done in your life?

Khai L. Bayne: Ummm, my momma is gonna see this so I can’t answer that (<-LOL! I think these answers crack me up the most.)

EK:  The house is on fire, what are you grabbing if your family is safe and sound?

Khai L. Bayne: Laptop, phone, charging cables, notebooks. (Don’t worry they all stay in the same area, so I’ll get them in one swoop) (<- ROFL! Mine too!)

EK:  What is your “go to” movie, book, or show?

Khai L. Bayne: Only the Strong and The Last Dragon (Sho’ Nuff!)

EK: Who is one of your favorite authors? Why?

Khai L. Bayne: I have so many, and all for different reason. One of my new faves is Alice K. Wayne, because her stories are just awesome and so easy to get lost in.

EK: Bonus => Have you ever read a book that had you questioning why you were having such a reaction to fictional characters? What book was it?

Khai L. Bayne: YEASSSSSS Hunty! It’s been a while so and call me a horrible person if you will, but I forget what I had for breakfast most mornings, so I couldn’t even begin to tell you what the name of it was. I’m sure if I scour through the 5k+ books I have on my kindle cloud I could tell you but that could take more time than you’re giving me.

KL book

EK: Please share your social media links:



EK: Please share your purchase links:

Indebted Series:









Brotherhood of Misfits Series:









Thank you to Khai L. Bayne for taking the time to answer these questions. You are appreciated. 

Come back tomorrow to read what answers author Erin Quinn has.


#EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors – Jenna Galicki

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Jenna Galicki is one of those authors that shocked me when I met her. I couldn’t believe just how sweet she is and how down to earth. She is one of the authors that I can call on to participate in events and giveaways. She is also one of the kindest and most giving individuals I’ve ever met. Her rocker look looks even more amazing in person. I love her series and can’t wait to own them all. Here is our interview:

EK– My message to all the authors: Thank you so very much for being willing to sign up to do this interview. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to get to know you, share your thoughts, and highlight your work.

EK:  What is your pen name?  

    1. Is it different from the name on your birth certificate?
    2. How did you come up with your pen name?

Jenna Galicki: I don’t have one.  I like seeing my name on my book covers. ☺

EK:  Does your work fit into one genre? If not, tell us about it. If so, do the same.

Jenna Galicki: Adult Contemporary Romance is the blanket genre.  Beyond that, I write m/m/f, m/f and m/m.  Mostly rock star romance.

EK:   What is the title of your most recent or upcoming release?

Jenna Galicki:   The Undercover Rock Star is a m/m novella that was released on March 14.  It’s kind of a prequel to Cam and Brandon’s story.  A full-length novel is due out in the fall.

EK:  What inspired this work?

Jenna Galicki:  Music usually inspires me the most, although anything can get a story running around my head. (<- This is the same for me.)

EK:  What is your favorite thing about writing?

Jenna Galicki: Bringing characters to life.  I write because I have to.  The people in my head have a story to tell.

EK: Now for the fun stuff …

EK:  What is your favorite snack while taking a much needed author break?

Jenna Galicki:  I love fresh popped buttered popcorn!  Not microwave – the old-fashioned way. On the stove top.  Only, I use vegan spread instead of butter.

EK: What is one of the craziest things you’ve done in your life?

Jenna Galicki:  No comment. ☺ (<-LOL!)

EK:  The house is on fire, what are you grabbing if your family is safe and sound?

Jenna Galicki:  My computer! LOL

EK:  What is your “go to” movie, book, or show?

Jenna Galicki:  Right now, it’s all about The Walking Dead.  I can’t get enough of that show.  I generally hate zombie movies, but this one has me hooked.  It’s about survival and human nature, not the zombies.

EK: Who is one of your favorite authors? Why?

Jenna Galicki: I’m old school.  I always go back to Steven King, although I’m more consumed with romance now.  His mind fascinates me – and scares me! LOL  His imagination is intriguing.  Jackie Collins is another writer I have immense admiration for.  She wasn’t afraid to jump into explicit sex scenes in her books, and that was 20 years ago – or more.    

EK: Bonus => Have you ever read a book that had you questioning why you were having such a reaction to fictional characters? What book was it?

Jenna Galicki:   I just read Daron’s Guitar Chronicles by Cecilia Tan. It’s written in chapters on her blog, so it’s very detailed and full of subtext.  You really get to know these characters.  It’s only written from one POV (Daron’s) so the reader is left wondering what the hell is going through Ziggy’s mind.  My heart went out to Daron and I found myself worrying about him and what was going to happen next.  I stopped and smiled when I realized I was getting so upset!

JG book

EK: Please share your social media links:

FB friend request:  www.facebook.com/authorjennagalicki

FB Fan Page:  www.facebook.com/jennagalicki.author1

Amazon:  http://bit.ly/AmazonJennaGalicki



EK: Please share your purchase links:

The Radical Rock Stars Series:

The Prince of Punk Rock (Book 1) http://amzn.to/MG7R3u

Between A Rock and A Hard Place (Book 2)http://bit.ly/amazonBRHP    

Punk Rock Resurrection (Book 3) http://bit.ly/PunkRockResurection

Rock Star Redemption (Book 4): http://bit.ly/rockstarredemption

Punk Rock-A-Bye Baby (Book 5) – http://bit.ly/punkrockabyebaby

Bulletproof Series:

The Undercover Rock Star (novella) http://amzn.to/1LlcCN8


Jealousy http://amzn.to/H1gRx2

Thank you to Jenna Galicki for taking the time to answer these questions. You are appreciated. 

Come back tomorrow to read what responses author Khai Bayne gives.


#EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors – Tabetha Thompson


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Tabetha Thompson is one of the funniest and coolest people I’ve ever spoken to. Every time I get a chance to interact with her, I feel like I bond with her a little more. She cracks me up. Her little girl is the cutest thing, as well. Here is my interview:

EK– My message to all the authors: Thank you so very much for being willing to sign up to do this interview. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to get to know you, share your thoughts, and highlight your work.

EK:  What is your pen name?

    1. Is it different from the name on your birth certificate?
    2. How did you come up with your pen name?

Tabetha Thompson: I write under two names. The first is my real name, Tabetha Thompson. The second name (which I just started writing under) is Willow Jade. Any publications future publications under Willow will be darker, grittier, and sexier.

EK:  Does your work fit into one genre? If not, tell us about it. If so, do the same.

Tabetha Thompson: The two current publications I have available are listed under contemporary Romance. It features a group of hilarious, loving, confused, and desperate friends whose loyalty knows no end. Chloe, and Skye are the main characters of this story. They begin to develop a relationship but in the process of building the trust and devotion things begin to happen. These events become life threatening not just for Chloe, but for her best friend Sara too. This isn’t a fairy tale HEA. This is a series of real events that take place every single day to millions and millions of women. More Than Friends and Forever & More is about a girl, who didn’t know her worth. It’s about friends that lift you up, and stand proudly at your side. It’s about faith, trust and love. But lastly, it’s about the importance of allowing others to love what you see as unlovable.

EK:   What is the title of your most recent or upcoming release?

Tabetha Thompson: Willow Jade has a book coming out at the end of May. The book is untitled at the moment. Other than writing the blurb, naming your book is always the hardest part (for me at least). It’s worse than naming your kid or puppy.

EK:  What inspired this work?

Tabetha Thompson: One night I was walking through the living room and my husband was watching a show about an all-female motorcycle club. The woman was describing how much grief the men were giving them because they had the bottom rocker which signifies they are an actual club. I was reading an MC series at the time and I realized that there were no all-female MC books (or any that I had heard of), so I began researching. A week later I had three chapters of a manuscript. But like with all good ideas, it left me. The more I wrote, tweaked, and read the book has become something entirely different, so much so that even though the girls ride motorcycles, they are not in an all-girls MC. (<- Oh my GOODNESS! I am writing a three book series where the leader of the MC is a female. HA! We may need to talk.)

EK:  What is your favorite thing about writing?

Tabetha Thompson: The quiet. I don’t get much of that around the house, so when I write, I block out the world. I’m an extremely hyper person, and it’s not uncommon for my mind to be moving a hundred miles an hour while bouncing from topic to topic…. Squirrel. LOL. When I put on my headphones I play something to set my mood, then dive in. There is nothing better than coming home after a long or emotional day, and slipping into a document. It’s almost like purging your soul. (<- the same goes for me)

EK: Now for the fun stuff …

EK:  What is your favorite snack while taking a much needed author break?

Tabetha Thompson: Anything. I mean it. Chocolate, Pizza, Chicken wings, Cubed steak and gravy, or raw celery and peanut butter, I’m not biased at all.

EK: What is one of the craziest things you’ve done in your life?

Tabetha Thompson: Let’s see… I once ran naked (or nekkid if you have my VERY southern accent) through a cow pasture and jumped into a pond in the dead of winter (there may or may not have been alcohol involved). This was one of those good at the time ideas that are really never good, at any time. I’m an idiot. (<-Ha! I love it!)

EK:  The house is on fire, what are you grabbing if your family is safe and sound?

Tabetha Thompson: Tostito’s Pizzas. Totally joking. I would of course grab my purse, phone, and laptop. Then I would probably remember the new peep toe buck skin boots that have just got here this week, and realize they are still in a new environment, and possibly scared. So then I would snatch them. There’s also my grandmothers rings, and my Channing Tatum cardboard cutout. (<- I so love her answer.)

EK: Who is one of your favorite authors? Why?

Tabetha Thompson: Kristen Ashley. I am on an audio book kick and am in the process of listening to every book she’s written. I’m currently listening to Rock Chick: Revolution. Why you ask? I’m thinking that’s a trick question lol. This lady is a word wizard. The creator of all things Nightingale, and the master of bad assery. Every single book I have read is not the same as the one before it. The characters are so well developed, and personable, I feel like I’ve known them my whole life. I’m convinced that she is a book Goddess sent to live among mortals to share her wisdom with us all.

EK: Bonus => Have you ever read a book that had you questioning why you were having such a reaction to fictional characters? What book was it?

Tabetha Thompson: I have never had that happen. I’ve read books where I love the characters. I’ve also read books that made me question why I was reading the book, but I’ve never questioned my reaction to the characters.

EK: Please share your social media links:

WebsiteFacebookAmazon AuthorTwitterGoodreads|Google+|

EK: Please share your purchase links:


TT romance

Thank you to Tabetha Thompson for taking the time to answer these questions. You are appreciated. 

Come back tomorrow to read what responses author Jenna Galicki gives.


#EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors – Ruth Cardello


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When I think of authors I can contact to give me an honest opinion or some sage advice, Ruth Cardello is one of them. She is one of the authors that I know I can contact and will receive a response, no matter how busy she is. This author is one of the people that I know will assist in promoting and volunteer swag, items, or her time. She is one of the most giving individuals and I will support her as long as there is breath in my body. Here is her interview:

EK– My message to all the authors: Thank you so very much for being willing to sign up to do this interview. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to get to know you, share your thoughts, and highlight your work.

EK:  What is your pen name?

    1. Is it different from the name on your birth certificate?
    2. How did you come up with your pen name?

Ruth Cardello:  Sadly, or proudly, my pen name is my real name. When I first started self-publishing in 2011 I never dreamed I would become a full-time author. I used my name so my friends and family could find my books. Every once in a while I wish I had a pen name so I could write something really naughty, but the rest of the time I think it’s pretty damn cool to see my real name on the New York Times bestseller’s list.

EK:  Does your work fit into one genre? If not, tell us about it. If so, do the same.

Ruth Cardello:  I write spicy contemporary romances about billionaires and cowboys. I call them bathtub reads. They’re fun, sexy, escapism romances about hot alpha men and the strong women who tame them.

EK:   What is the title of your most recent or upcoming release?

Ruth Cardello:  My next release is called Taken Home. It’s the third book in my Lone Star Burn series. Although the series is based in Texas, the hero is a movie star turned senator from California. Playboy meets virgin. Fun stuff. As with all my books, there is a strong central theme of family and healing.

EK:  What inspired this work?

Ruth Cardello: I love to write about hot men with troubled pasts. Mason is just such a man. He finds a second chance and a home when he falls for Chelle.

EK:  What is your favorite thing about writing?

Ruth Cardello:  I love when a story takes on a life of its own and my only job is to type it as fast as I can get it down on paper. That usually happens as soon as the characters come to life for me. Page one is painful for me. As I move through the book the people become real to me and, by the time I end the story, I’m sad to say goodbye to them. (<- I love this answer)

EK: Now for the fun stuff …

EK:  What is your favorite snack while taking a much needed author break?

Ruth Cardello: I’m allergic to chocolate or that might be my sweet of choice. I usually reach for a fruit or popcorn.

EK: What is one of the craziest things you’ve done in your life?

Ruth Cardello:  Online dating back when it wasn’t done. It worked out for me, though, because that’s how I met my husband. He was station in Japan and was hoping to connect with someone back home. At the time we lived one town apart. Small world. We talked on the phone for months. My friends thought I was crazy to feel like I was falling in love with someone I hadn’t met. He came home, though, and straight to me. We’ve been together since. Our ten year anniversary is this summer, so sometimes crazy pays off.

EK:  The house is on fire, what are you grabbing if your family is safe and sound?

Ruth Cardello: If “family” includes my pets, then maybe just my purse. I’m not a person who gets attached to material things. I grew up poor and I was happy. If you have your health and the people you love around you—nothing else really matters.

EK:  What is your “go to” movie, book, or show?

Ruth Cardello: Strangely, I love the movie While You Were Sleeping. I love to watch it around the holidays. I think what touches me about the movie is how much the heroine is yearning for a family.

EK: Who is one of your favorite authors? Why?

Ruth Cardello:  I don’t know that I could pick just one. The amazing thing about how the publishing industry has changed is the sheer number of authors we have to choose from now. We aren’t being spoon fed a few. I will say, though, that I can’t read very dark stories. I know they’re popular and I appreciate them for the great stories they are, but they make me sad. My favorite authors skim the surface of dark, never taking me anywhere too bad, and then give me a story with hot heroes and happy endings that leaving me smiling.

My most recent favorite authors, Jeannette Winters and Danielle Stewart, are family members of mine who have joined my Barrington Billionaire world. They each had their own careers and I lured them into doing this joint project with me. There is no better feeling than creating something with the people I love. I’m over the moon happy about it and proud of them.

EK: Bonus => Have you ever read a book that had you questioning why you were having such a reaction to fictional characters? What book was it?

Ruth Cardello:  I can’t say that I question why. I would be worried if I didn’t have a strong emotional response to someone’s characters. I want to be angry with them, forgive them, fall in love with who they do, and cry when I finish the book because I wish the story never had to end. If you can take me there, you’re a one click buy for me every time.

RC upcoming

EK: Please share your social media links:


Twitter @ruthiecardello

FB: https://www.facebook.com/ruthcardelloRC series

Thank you to Ruth Cardello for taking the time to answer these questions. You are appreciated. 

Come back tomorrow to read what responses author Tabetha Thompson gives.


#EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors – Chelle Bliss & Giveaway



CBliss upcoming release

Chelle Bliss is one of those authors that I stumbled across because she was connected to another author. I’ve loved her works and her willingness to help other authors. I cannot wait to own all of her books. The covers look amazing. I’m a bit of a fan of tattooed guys on covers. Here is my interview with Chelle Bliss: 

EK– My message to all the authors: Thank you so very much for being willing to sign up to do this interview. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to get to know you, share your thoughts, and highlight your work.

EK:  What is your pen name?

    1. Is it different from the name on your birth certificate?
    2. How did you come up with your pen name?

Chelle Bliss: Chelle Bliss is a pen name. When I started writing, I was a teacher and needed to use a different name so students and parents wouldn’t find me. My parents always called me Chelle because my full name is Rachelle so it was an easy choice.

EK:  Does your work fit into one genre? If not, tell us about it. If so, do the same.

Chelle Bliss: My books fit into the romance/erotica genre. I love to read romance and couldn’t imagine writing anything else.

EK:   What is the title of your most recent or upcoming release?

Chelle Bliss: Honor Me is my next release. It’s part of the Men of Inked series.

EK:  What inspired this work?

Chelle Bliss: My readers. They’ve been asking for more books in the series. I never had plans to write another book in the series, but after many messages and comment, I caved.

EK:  What is your favorite thing about writing?

Chelle Bliss: The creativity and freedom that it gives me to create a new world. When I get messages from readers telling me how a book has made them feel it makes me the happiest. I think that’s the best thing about writing – making people happy.

EK: Now for the fun stuff …

EK:  What is your favorite snack while taking a much needed author break?

Chelle Bliss: Gummy Bears are a favorite snack.

EK: What is one of the craziest things you’ve done in your life?

Chelle Bliss: I plead the 5th. The statute of limitations haven’t expired. 😉

EK:  The house is on fire, what are you grabbing if your family is safe and sound?

Chelle Bliss: First my pets, 2 cats and a hamster, and then my computer.

EK:  What is your “go to” movie, book, or show?

Chelle Bliss: My ‘go to’ movie is PS I Love You. It gets me EVERY TIME. (<- I sooo love this movie!)

EK: Who is one of your favorite authors? Why?

Chelle Bliss: I have so many favorites – Kristen Ashley, Kitty Thomas, Cj Roberts, Cherise Sinclair, and Alice Clayton are always my go to authors when I want to get lost in a fictional world.

EK: Bonus => Have you ever read a book that had you questioning why you were having such a reaction to fictional characters? What book was it?

Chelle Bliss: I’ve had this feeling so many times I don’t even know where to start. Binding Arbitration by Elizabeth Marx had me crying like a baby for hours. That book did me in. It’s amazing!

EK: Please share your social media links:

NewsletterWebsite Twitter Instagram Pinterest Facebook GooglePlus 

EK: Please share your purchase links:


iBooks http://apple.co/1QRjuSe

B&N http://bit.ly/1EHPXHv

Kobo http://bit.ly/1dGjsMP

Google Play http://bit.ly/1SLtqve

Amzon AU  http://bit.ly/1MjduhJ

Amzn UKhttp://amzn.to/1OmfsB6

Audible http://bit.ly/21zLjT9

CBliss book

Time for a giveaway


Follow this link: http://chellebliss.com/hmreveal/

**This is the giveaway from her page and the 24th is the final day to enter. 

CBliss banner

Thank you to Chelle Bliss for taking the time to answer these questions. You are appreciated. 

Come back tomorrow to read what responses author Ruth Cardello gives.


#EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors – Jennifer Theriot



Having this author respond to my request for an interview was quite a surprise. I couldn’t figure out if I was reading the messages correctly. I was thrilled to know that she was going to be on my blog, even if it was for a day. I’m so grateful for the ability to have her grace my page.

EKMy message to all the authors: Thank you so very much for being willing to sign up to do this interview. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to get to know you, share your thoughts, and highlight your work.

EK:  What is your pen name?  Jennifer Theriot

    • Is it different from the name on your birth certificate? Only by my married surname 😉
  • EK:  Does your work fit into one genre? If not, tell us about it. If so, do the same.

Jennifer Theriot:  I’d say my work is women’s contemporary romance and all of the books fit into that genre.

EK:   What is the title of your most recent or upcoming release?

Jennifer Theriot:  I’ll be releasing Out of the  Box Everlasting within the next month or so. (3rd in my Out of the Box series). In December, I released Unwrapping Noel which was part of an anthology called Mischief Under the Mistletoe. I’ve got a sequel to Unwrapping Noel in the works.

EK:  What inspired this work?

Jennifer Theriot:  I’m an avid romance reader and there just weren’t many books out there about women my age (I’m 61). We still love a good romp in the hay, we’re young at heart and still have romantic feelings. I actually wrote the book on a dare from two of my close girlfriends. Don’t give me a dare, because I’ll do it 😉

EK:  What is your favorite thing about writing?

Jennifer Theriot: Writing give you an outlet to express so many things. Creating new characters and having them speak to you is such an awesome feeling.

EK: Now for the fun stuff …

EK:  What is your favorite snack while taking a much needed author break?

Jennifer Theriot:  I ‘snack’ on a bottle of wine while writing.

EK: What is one of the craziest things you’ve done in your life?

Jennifer Theriot: Yikes! I can’t tell you that (<- LOL! Can’t blame a girl for trying)

EK:  The house is on fire, what are you grabbing if your family is safe and sound?

Jennifer Theriot:  My laptop, purse collection, jewelry and makeup

EK:  What is your “go to” movie, book, or show?

Jennifer Theriot:  I’m addicted to Bluebloods and NCIS. Tom Selleck and Mark Harmon are soooo sexy!

EK: Who is one of your favorite authors? Why?

Jennifer Theriot:  Jacqueline Susann (I’m dating myself, I know but she’s the best!)

EK: Bonus => Have you ever read a book that had you questioning why you were having such a reaction to fictional characters? What book was it?

Jennifer Theriot:  Probably one of the biggest reactions I’ve had to a fictional character was to the character Donovan from Diane Rinella’s Loves Forbidden Flower. It’s a very controversial topic and he gave me a bad case of angst…REALLY bad case. Another one was Kellan Kyle in SC Stephens Thoughtless series.

EK: Please share your social media links:







FACEBOOK: Jennifer Theriot, Author


TWITTER:  @ JenTheRiot  



















http:// myBook.to/UNWRAPPINGNOEL



 Book Trailers





Out of the Box Awakening Playlist

Out of the Box Regifted Playlist

Toccata Obbligato~Serenading Kyra Playlist

Unwrapping Noel Playlist: http://spoti.fi/1NPiFqQ

FORTUNE BRAWLING Playlist:  http://goo.gl/TrhCDJ



EK: Please share your purchase links:  

All my books can be found on my Amazon Author Page:




Thank you to Jennifer Theriot for taking the time to answer these questions. You are appreciated. 

Come back tomorrow to read a posting from author Kristen Proby.


#EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors-Suza Kates & a GIVEAWAY

Suza Kates

Suza Kates … Suza FREAKING Kates! What can I say about her? She is one of the first bigger named authors that took a moment to respond to an email for this little known individual. It doesn’t matter how many times I contact her for swag (something I’ll be soon bugging her for more of) or just to say “hello” she responds. The woman is one of the first authors to gift me one of her books. The avid reader that I am nearly combusted when I held one of the books to her Savannah Coven series. When I was coming up with my list of authors that I wanted to interview and share my admiration of, her name was at the top of my list. To say the least, I so heart her. Without any further embellishments, I share my interview with a woman that is one of my favorite authors.

EKMy message to all of the authors: Thank you so very much for being willing to sign up to do this interview. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to get to know you, share your thoughts, and highlight your work.

EK:  What is your pen name? 

            Is it different from the name on your birth certificate? How did you come up with your pen name?

Suza Kates: I wrote my first book while I was in Germany, and one night I was talking to my cats, calling them sweet cats or süß (pronounced soos) katzen. I started playing with the sounds, and there you go!

EK:  Does your work fit into one genre? If not, tell us about it. If so, do the same.

Suza Kates: I primarily write paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Whether my characters have magic or powers or are just plain human, I always enjoy a bit of danger in the story.

EK:   What is the title of your most recent or upcoming release?

Suza Kates: My next release is titled “Chosen Blood” and is the second book in The Sisters’ Grimoire Trilogy.

EK:  What inspired this work?

Suza Kates: I enjoy writing about magic and strong female relationships, and I’ve always wanted to use a setting like that of the movie “Practical Magic”. However, the setting and use of sisters is about all that’s the same. I leaned toward a faerie theme and am loving the fantasy aspect!

EK:  What is your favorite thing about writing?

Suza Kates: Planning the next book. I’ve learned to only write the stories I’m most excited about, and that makes the plotting process a lot more fun! Release days are pretty awesome too. : )

EK: Now for the fun stuff …

EK:  What is your favorite snack while taking a much needed author break?

Suza Kates: Pizza bites

EK: What is one of the craziest things you’ve done in your life?

Suza Kates:  I once climbed outside a balcony on the 18th floor of a building to rescue my cat.

EK:  The house is on fire, what are you grabbing if your family is safe and sound?

Suza Kates: If cats are included in family, then I’ll grab my laptop and computer with current works in progress, my jewelry box, and an antique table.

EK:  What is your “go to” movie, book, or show?

Suza Kates: Lord of the Rings Trilogy

EK: Who is one of your favorite authors? Why?

Suza Kates: Nora Roberts. She just has a way of making you want to visit the places and hang out with the characters.

EK: Bonus => Have you ever read a book that had you questioning why you were having such a reaction to fictional characters? What book was it?

Suza Kates: Little Women. I was pretty young when I read it and was so sad when I finished it that I just turned to the beginning and started over. It’s still one of my favorite books and probably influenced my love of female bonds and friendships in fiction.

Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Pinterest | Website


Purchase links:

Amazon | B&N | I-tunes | Kobo

Time for a giveaway

The lovely Suza Kates is offering three of my fortunate followers/readers an opportunity to win an ebook copy of one of her books. Winner’s choice. All you have to do is comment on the post your book of choice from her collection. 

S Kates series

Just an FYI, I loved every book in this series. It was amazing. 



Thank you to Suza Kates for taking the time to answer these questions. You are appreciated. 

Come back tomorrow to read what responses author Jennifer Theriot gives.