#EllieKeys 31 Days of Authors+ – Ellie Keys (Giveaway)


Ellie Keys

I cannot put into words just how thrilled I am with how well this past month’s project turned out. I had interviews with some of the most amazing authors. They were fantastic and I appreciate every person that took a moment to answer the questions, offer up giveaways, and send me a “thank you.” I am planning on doing another series of posts like this again this year. I’ll have to check my calendar for a break in writing. 

Thank you to all of the new followers that have come along for the journey. I hope you’ve enjoyed this as much as I have. Now, I couldn’t do this series of interviews without responding to the questions myself. Here’s the crazy that is my interview:

EK – My message to all of the authors: Thank you so very much for being willing to sign up to do this interview. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to get to know you, share your thoughts, and highlight your work.

EK:  What is your pen name?

    1. Is it different from the name on your birth certificate?
    2. How did you come up with your pen name?

Ellie Keys:  My pen name is Ellie Keys.  It is different from the name on my birth certificate. The name comes from a variation of my first and middle names. They are both nicknames that I put together. Ellen Lakeysha. Throughout my life, I’ve been called both of the names, so I figured I’d combine the two and there you have it.

EK:  Does your work fit into one genre? If not, tell us about it. If so, do the same.

Ellie Keys:  HA.  I always love when I am asked this question. I am an eclectic person and tend to enjoy all manner of things in my life. I have various tastes, so I have various genres to choose from. At the heart of all of my works, there is romance and family. I write fantasy and contemporary with some dabblings in erotica.

EK:   What is the title of your most recent or upcoming release?

Ellie Keys:  Reign Again is my upcoming release, amongst several others. I have an anthology that I am part of , as well as, a BDSM book entitled Mr. Black and Mr. White. 

EK:  What inspired this work?

Ellie Keys:  I will discuss Reign Again. It is the book that is the most close to an autobiography as one could get for the younger years of the book. I wanted to tell my story without telling my story. My life story isn’t done so I didn’t want to make this one completely about me. Reign Jeffries is based upon things I’ve seen in my life, but takes on an all together different theme as the story progresses.

EK:  What is your favorite thing about writing?

Ellie Keys: The storytelling is one of my favorite things. I love fresh and new ideas. The stories that unfold from those ideas are thrilling and the reason I’m so happy to be chosen to share them. 

EK: Now for the fun stuff …

EK:  What is your favorite snack while taking a much needed author break?

Ellie Keys:  I’m a salty/sweet kind of girl. I love this mix that I put together. In it, there are raisins, craisins (yogurt covered), peanuts, almonds and some plain M&Ms. It’s one of my favorite things to have. 

EK: What is one of the craziest things you’ve done in your life?

Ellie Keys:  I would have to say one of the craziest things I have done in my life was travelling to an unknown city to meet up with a guy that I’d met on the phone. I flew to another city and spent the weekend with him in his house. It’s a wonder I lived through that one. He could’ve been anybody. Sheesh.

EK:  The house is on fire, what are you grabbing if your family is safe and sound?

Ellie Keys:  I would have to say my laptop bag. My computer is stored there along with a back up of my recent works. Everything else is replaceable. (I have to say that I interviewed thirty plus authors and one of the most popular answers to this question would have to be their computer. What does that tell you? I thinks it speaks volumes.)

EK:  What is your “go to” movie, book, or show?

Ellie Keys:  My “go to” movie is Ever After. I’m a sucker for their version of the Cinderella story. Book: Pride and Prejudice, if I’m going with another author’s work. This book and movie is what inspired my first novel: Forbidden (my work). I’ve read both books several times. Show: Once Upon a Time or Scandal. Both are amazing and keep me tuned in every week. 

EK: Who is one of your favorite authors? Why?

Ellie Keys:  Maya Angelou would have to be my favorite. She was an inspiration. I started my writing as a poet first. 

EK: Bonus => Have you ever read a book that had you questioning why you were having such a reaction to fictional characters? What book was it?

Ellie Keys:  Yes, many books. I’m a hopeless romantic and find that I don’t like a book unless it takes me through the wringer. The last book I had a reaction to the characters was a book written by Lily White entitled Her Master’s Teacher. I didn’t know I could hate a character as much as I hated the “master” in that book. 

Reign Again                            Mr. Black and Mr. White mock up_possible final

Thank you, once again, all of the authors that took time out of their busy days to answer my questions. You are wonderful and most appreciated. Thanks to each of the new and older followers that read each of the posts. Now it’s time for a giveaway. 

Time for a giveaway

For a chance to win, a signed paperback of either of the above shown books:

  1. Take a moment to look: check out one of the author interviews from the 31 days of March. 
  2. Choose one of them.
  3. Comment below to tell me which author and what their favorite book, movie, or show is. 

That’s it! You’re entered to win and I’ll post the winner in one week! Happy reading! 🙂


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