30 Days of Me – Get to know the author

Ellie Keysget to know me

Today is Day six of my daily posts of something new about me or “Get to know the author”. I was advised of a list that I will possibly deviate from or follow to the letter. I’m a rebel and follow my own course.

Yesterday’s post was about the book and movie i loved. I revealed those and explained my thoughts on them. If you missed it, then feel free to go back and check it out.



Your life in 7 years?

Ha! This is an interesting question.  I am going to state the hope for my writing career.  I have been doing lists.  In keeping with tradition, I’ll just list out seven things I’m hoping for.

  1. My books hit more and more readers every month.  I would love for one or more of my books to be owned and talked about in every home.  I have an array of stories.  It is feasible with the options I’m providing: young adult, children’s, contemporary, paranormal, suspense.  Here’s hoping.
  2. I hit each of the following bestsellers lists at least twice: USA, NYT and Amazon for U.S. and International
  3.  My books are in major outlets around the U.S.
  4. I have the experience of working with a major publishing company
  5. Have regular sales of my paperbacks and hard covers
  6. Have two of my series completed and sales continue from the readers that love them
  7. I will have the ability to work on my stories and maintain part time work to get me out of the house

There it is.  My author life in 7 years.

Day Six complete!

what-do-you-want dreamstimemedium_19473030-300x300what-do-you-want

Feel free to ask me a question or post a comment. It is truly welcomed! 🙂

about the author

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.

She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance lovers and suspense seekers.

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30 days of me – Get to know the author – Five

get to know me

Today is Day Five of my daily posts of something new about me or “Get to know the author”. I was advised of a list that I will possibly deviate from or follow to the letter. I’m a rebel and follow my own course.

Yesterday’s post was about the three songs on my playlists. I revealed those three and explained my thoughts on them. If you missed it, then feel free to go back and check it out.



This was supposed to be “a book I love and one I didn’t”, but that’s not what I’m going to do.  The rebel at work.  Instead, I’m going to list a book I love and a movie I adore.

A book I love to the point that I’ve read it twice now and makes me ball my eyes out is Beck by Harper Sloan.  There is a section when the main character shares her story with her guy and her friends that totally shreds me.  I cannot express the all consuming emotion that happens when I read those words.

The movie that I completely adore that I stumbled upon is He’s Just Not That In To You.  I didn’t think I would enjoy an entourage movie because the others were just NOT good.  This one was cute and funny.  I recently watched it again and found myself smiling because of it.

Day Five complete!

what-do-you-want dreamstimemedium_19473030-300x300what-do-you-want

Feel free to ask me a question or post a comment. It is truly welcomed! 🙂

about the author

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.

She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance lovers and suspense seekers.

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Recent Releases, Pre-order and a GIVEAWAY!!

New from Ellie Keys

A sexy new romance where secrets and lies could lead to the demise of all this woman’s holds near and dear to her heart.  Life choices have never been easy, even made worse when the belief in two wonderful men can stand in the way of one woman’s true happiness.

Available now:

Chyra final ebook cover



Chyra Teaser 2

Also available from the author:

The Darkness Series
The Darkest Fairy Series


Coming in four (4) days, but Available NOW for pre-order:

Christmas in the City Cover

Purchase links:

Amazon US: http://bit.ly/CITC-US
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01714TMWE
Amazon CA: http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01714TMWE
Amazon AU: http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B01714TMWE
Nook: http://bit.ly/CITCBN
iBooks: https://itun.es/us/mmGV-.l
Kobo: http://bit.ly/CITCKobo

Christmas in the CityRelease Nov. 2nd

 (Click on the icons below to follow the links)

You’re invited the Christmas in the City release party Nov 2nd – 6th!!

Don’t forget to enter to win!!

30 Days of Me – Get to know the author – Four

get to know me

Today is Day Four of my daily posts of something new about me or “Get to know the author”. I was advised of a list that I will possibly deviate from or follow to the letter. I’m a rebel and follow my own course.

Yesterday’s post was about ten facts about me. I revealed those ten and explained why. If you missed it, then feel free to go back and check it out.



Put your music player on shuffle, post the first 3 songs and your thoughts

  1. Paramore – Playing God
  2. Sapphire – Keiko Matsui
  3. If Tonight is My Last – Laura Izibor

A rock song, a classical piece and a r&b joint <= this sounds like the beginning of a really horrible joke.  What had me laughing was the fact that I had to play the songs because I didn’t recognize them by title.  I’ve been listening to Paramore since I heard Decode on the Twilight soundtrack.  Keiko I’ve been listening to for years after searching for music after taking a Music Theory class in college.  Laura is completely new to me but I love her sound.

Day Four complete!

what-do-you-want dreamstimemedium_19473030-300x300what-do-you-want

Feel free to ask me a question or post a comment. It is truly welcomed! 🙂

about the author

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.

She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance lovers and suspense seekers.

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30 days of me – Get to know the author – Three

get to know me

Today is Day Three of my daily posts of something new about me or “Get to know the author”. I was advised of a list that I will possibly deviate from or follow to the letter. I’m a rebel and follow my own course.

Yesterday’s post was about pet peeves. I revealed my top three and why. If you missed it, then feel free to go back and check it out.



Ten interesting facts about yourself?

  1. My all time favorite movie is Ever After, starring Drew Barrymore and Dougray Scott
  2. My pen name used to be E.L.R. Jones but I grew bored of people not being able to find me because they mixed me up with E.L. James. (if only I could have her stardom and sales)
  3. I have two middle names and have two different stories on how they became my middle names (one from my mother and one from my father)
  4. My hair hasn’t been one fluid color in about twenty years (My natural color is dark brown but I haven’t seen that color in I don’t know how long)
  5. I listen to all types of music: club, techno, gospel, classical, r&b, hip hop, dance, folk, jazz, blues.  You can find a song from just about any genre on my music player
  6. I am one of the people I know of my race that do NOT eat the following: mashed potatoes, watermelon, green beans and chitterlings.  I will actually physically fight a person for attempting to make me eat those things.  (I’ve been asked if I was sure I was black on several occasions for this and many other reasons)
  7. I have an obsession with salty and sweet combinations.  I really and truly enjoy the mix.
  8. I repeatedly watch movies and read books.
  9. The books I read are either hard cover or on kindle.  I’m a “purist” in the sense that I refuse to crack the spine on my paperbacks.
  10. I sleep on bed covered in purple, bathe with a towel that is purple and my hair products come in purple bottles.

Day Three complete!

what-do-you-want dreamstimemedium_19473030-300x300what-do-you-want

Feel free to ask me a question or post a comment. It is truly welcomed! 🙂

about the author

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.

She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance lovers and suspense seekers.

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30 days of me – Get know the author – Two

get to know me

Today is Day Two of my daily posts of something new about me or “Get to know the author”.  I was advised of a list that I will possibly deviate from or follow to the letter.  I’m a rebel and follow my own course.

Yesterday’s post was about tattoos.  I posted if I had any tattoos and how many.  If you missed it, then feel free to go back and check it out.



Three pet peeves?

This is actually funny to me.  Those that know me know that I have a little bit of an issue that runs under the header: OCD.  For those that don’t know what OCD is, here you go:

a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, have certain thoughts repeatedly, or feel they need to perform certain routines repeatedly. People are unable to control either the thoughts or the activities. Common activities include hand washing, counting of things, and checking to see if a door is locked.

Now, allow me to clarify.  I don’t have the common activities issues listed above.  My attributes are a need to have order in chaos and a need for everything to be in a specific place, facing a particular way and replaced when removed.

Having said that, a person could guess that I don’t handle chaos very well.  I also do do disorder or disarray.  Those are two things that are my pet peeves.  Chaotic spaces make me nervous.  Disorder and disarray cause me to actually twitch in response.  I get itchy if a I am in a place that is full of mess.  I can’t function until things are clean or in order once again.

My third pet peeve is time discrepancies.  What do I mean?  I tend to be early to things.  I’m not that person that likes to be the “late arrival”.  I never have been.  I actually get agitated when I’m late to things.  I don’t care if it’s my fault or not, I have an attitude.  I’ve been working on this by acknowledging my friends that are known to be late to everything and attempting to compensate by starting later.  If you want to rub me the wrong way, then tell me we have to be somewhere at a certain time, proceed to do everything but get ready to go on time and begin to ask me to do all of the things you should’ve done to get ready so that you are waiting on me to finish when you are finally ready and say something snotty to me about not being set to go.  That is the quickest way to get me to not only curse you out but never want to go anywhere with you again.

Day Two complete!

what-do-you-want dreamstimemedium_19473030-300x300what-do-you-want

Feel free to ask me a question or post a comment.  It is truly welcomed! 🙂

about the author

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.

She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance lovers and suspense seekers.

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30 Days of Me – Get to know the author

get to know me

Today is Day One of my daily posts of something new about me or “Get to know the author”.  I was advised of a list that I will possibly deviate from or follow to the letter.  I’m a rebel and follow my own course.  We’ll see where this takes us.

It’s always hard to open up and post things about yourself if you are closed off and shy.  Fortunately for me I’m neither of these things.  (Lol!)  My life is an open book and has always been.  With that said, this post officially begins my 30 days of sharing.



What tattoos do I have (if any) and do they have meaning?

I have four tattoos of the eight that I would like to have.  I will start from the top to the bottom (<= I will leave that just as that. {snickering}).

  1. I have a butterfly with a rose body on my shoulder
  2. I have a musical note (G-cleft) with Ms. Sassy Kat under it on my chest to the left
  3. My “tramp stamp” is in the center of my back, of course.  It is a tribal butterfly that is a homage to one of my favorite series by Gena Showalter Lords of the Underworld.  I loved the butterfly so much that I had it tattooed on my body with my four initials at the top and bottom.  A “K” rests in between the antennae which is the first letter of my nickname.
  4. The last is a Virgo tattoo.  I found the version of the female symbol for that zodiac and had to have it on my body

There are four more to be added on my ankle, left arm, left shoulder and possibly the wrist or my right arm.  Each and every tattoo is symbolic and significant for me. They are extensions of who I am.  It always has been my belief that I tattoo what is important to me and representative of who I am on the body that I’ve been gifted with.  A representation of my son will be on my left arm.  He is the only other person worthy of being represented on my body.  Each of the tattoos also has something to do with my name.  That is the significance.

Day One complete!

what-do-you-want dreamstimemedium_19473030-300x300what-do-you-want

Feel free to ask me a question or post a comment.  It is truly welcomed! 🙂

about the author

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.

She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance lovers and suspense seekers.

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Pink Ribbon Giveaway – October Knowledge

Blog Hop - Breast Cancer

The Participants


Our Sponsor

Toni Madison is an extraordinary woman.  Thanks to her for this hop. (Click her name to check out her link)

The Reason I Show My Support

I’m so stoked to be part of this hop giveaway.  Every year, I look for something to do to help bring awareness to this month.  I’m all about multitasking.  I decided that I’d combine my giveaway with promotion for an upcoming anthology that I am privileged to be affiliated with as well as awareness for October being Breast Cancer Awareness month.

A woman that will forever be embedded in my memory, not because she is gone from this world, but because of the life that she’s lived.  She was diagnosed with cancer during a time when she was supposed to be celebrating one of the greatest gifts a woman can have.  After years of trying to get pregnant, she was able to finally able to have a baby.  Concerned about the issues she was having with breast feeding, she went to the doctor.  The outcome was learning that she had cancer.  The first year of her newborn son’s life was spent being too weak to hold him.  She couldn’t breastfeed as she wanted to.  Imagine the pain she felt.  It’s not something that I would wish on anyone.  The family rallied around her, going as far as shaving their heads, wearing the wigs or scarves when she did and keeping her encouraged.  I continue to share and support causes because of Jen.  She reminds me to keep going in the face of adversity.  I will continue to share her story as I watch her family from afar via Facebook.

You’ll find a giveaway, the information for another cause that I am associated with and helpful information about the true reason for this month.  Thanks for stopping by the blog.  I hope it is helpful and inspiring.


Schedule Your Mammogram Now!



Christmas in the City is coming soon  Nov. 2nd is the day.  15 authors.  14 amazing stories.  Are you interested in reading and reviewing the book before anyone can?  Here’s your chance:
The Giveaway:
Giveaway photo
Three prizes, 1 winner.  
The Self Exam
2013-BCA-Early-Detection-Logo_PG breast-cancer-37-638
Fact sheet
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Cover Reveal…Christmas in the City (Authors in the City) + GIVEAWAY!!

Cover Reveal
Christmas in the City Cover
Book Title: Christmas in the City
Author: Various Authors
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 2, 2015
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Goodreads Button with Shadow

Join these authors and many more that the Authors In The City book signing:

Saturday, March 12th at Kissimmee, Florida

Book Blurb

An anthology of newly written novellas by 14 of the 2016 Authors in the City Authors. This anthology will benefit a children’s hospital in the Florida area where the 2016 Authors in the City book signing will be held.

Authors in the City book signing is hosted by Stephanie’s Book Reports.


Meet the Authors

New York Times and USA Today Bestseller/contemporary romance writer Samantha Chase released her debut novel, Jordan’s Return, in November 2011. Although she waited until she was in her 40’s to publish for the first time, writing has been a lifelong passion. Her motivation to take that step was her students: teaching creative writing to elementary age students all the way up through high school and encouraging those students to follow their writing dreams gave Samantha the confidence to take that step as well.

When she’s not working on a new story, she spends her time reading contemporary romances, playing way too many games of Scrabble or Solitaire on Facebook and spending time with her husband of 25 years and their two sons in North Carolina.


AJ Harmon was born and raised in Perth, Western Australia. She currently resides in Oregon, USA, with her husband Brad. They have two grown children, her pride and joy, and a dog named Max. An avid reader of the Romance genre, the books in her personal library range from historical to erotica and everything in between. The bookshelves in her home are filled with a variety of authors and she is humbled to now be among their ranks.


S.M. Donaldson is a born and raised Southern girl. She grew up in a small rural town on Florida’s Gulf Coast, the kind of place where everyone knows your business before you do, especially when your Daddy is a cop and your Mom works for the school system. She married one of her best friends at the age of 20 and has one son. She is a proud military wife, has always had a soft spot for a good story, and is known to have a potty mouth. At the age of 31, she decided there was no time like the present to attempt her first book. Sam’s Choice was born and she hasn’t stopped since. If you are looking for a good, steamy, Southern set romance with true Southern dialect, she’s your girl.


Ashlee Taylor has always loved to read. She was practically born with a book in hand. She even wrote short stories and vignettes for fun at age eleven. As she grew up reading was put to the side but the book Fifty Shades of Grey brought back the love of the written word. Swallowing every book she could get her hands on while befriending authors. Eventually becoming a beta reader and helping authors work out critical scenes and plot progressions. Through this process, Ashlee decided to write the stories in her head.


Amazon Best Selling Author, A.M. Madden’s debut novel was Back-up, the first in The Back-Up Series. The series includes Back-Up, Front & Center, Encore, Backstage, and The Devil’s Lair Novella. She has also written two stand alone novels, Stone Walls and The Shortstop.

A.M. Madden is a wife, a mother, an avid reader of romance novels, and now an author. In her books, she aspires to create fun, sexy, realistic romantic stories. She wants to create characters that the reader could relate to and feel as if they know personally. A self-proclaimed hopeless romantic, she loves getting lost in a good book. She also uses every free moment of her time writing, while raising teenage boys.


A.D. Justice is the best selling author of the Steele Security Series (Wicked Games, Wicked Ties, and the upcoming Wicked Nights), the Crazy Series (Crazy Maybe, Crazy Baby), and the Dominic Powers series (Her Dom, Her Dom’s Lesson). When she’s not writing, she’s spending time with her own alpha male character in their north Georgia mountain home. She is also an avid reader of romance novels, a master at procrastination, a chocolate sommelier, a twister of words, and speaks fluent sarcasm.


Misha Elliott is a romance author who uses writing as a way to entertain, release, and educate. Her books have given her the opportunity to discuss and release emotions that run deep. She is a lover of life and reading. Once a northerner she now calls the sweet state of Alabama her home. Where she lives with her husband, two cats, and two dogs. When she isn’t at the beach reading a book with her toes in the sand, you can find her at book events wooing the readers.


Gia Riley enjoys writing New Adult and Contemporary Romance. From the small but mighty state of Delaware, she’s a lover of all things romance – a firm believer that everyone deserves a happily ever after.

When she’s not writing, you can find her roaming the aisles of Kirkland’s, up to her elbows in Play-doh, or trying to hunt down spoilers for Big Brother. She loves reality TV almost as much as she loves a good chick flick. Her newest addiction is a Starbucks iced mocha – they keep her up late, doing terrible things to her characters.

You can connect with Gia on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. She also has a reader group, Gia Riley’s Books, on Facebook. Stop by anytime, she loves hearing from readers!


Christina Benjamin: A little about me: I was born in GA, grew up in PA and now live in FL. I went to Flagler College, Keystone College and The University of Central Florida. I have a degree in Criminal Justice and English. I love writing, blogging, the outdoors, stand up paddle boarding, swimming, biking, books, movies, pirates, Disney, food, travel and my little dog.

I strongly believe in finding what makes you happy and doing it. I’ve taken a leap of faith and am now following me dreams of being a full time writer in St. Augustine. I’ve met so many wonderful people in my journey as the author of The Geneva Project. I love to visit schools and speak to children about my books and the importance of literature and cultivating the spirit of imagination.

My hope for The Geneva Project is that one day, with each book I sell, I can donate one book to a school or program in need of reading material for children.


Mariah Dietz lives in Eastern Washington with her husband and two sons that are the axis of her crazy and wonderful world.

Mariah grew up in a tiny town outside of Portland, Oregon where she spent the majority of her time immersed in the pages of books that she both read and created.

She has a love for all things that include her sons, good coffee, books, travel, and dark chocolate. She also has a deep passion for the stories she writes, and hopes readers enjoy the journeys she takes them on, as much as she loves creating them.


Taryn is a lover of books and wine, usually enjoying them together. Writing has been a way for her to step away from chaotic reality and live a bit through her fun and sometimes damaged characters. You will almost always find a Happy Ever After at the end of her stories. She can’t help it, it’s an addiction.

She enjoys spending time with her friends and family, but cherishes those quiet nights after everyone is asleep when she can curl up on the couch to read with her geriatric dog. (Shh, don’t tell…He’s not supposed to be on the couch.)

Amazon Author Page: http://amzn.to/1iyy6Zm

Ellie Keys is an author of mystery and thriller novels. The characters of her stories are loud, exuberant and controlling when it comes to demanding her attention. The personalities that come out on paper give audience members insight into the reason why she is a little off center. She loves writing, reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created. There is a great deal in store for lovers of mystery and thrill seekers.


Sidonia Rose lives in suburban Maryland with her family. Sidonia has a long love affair with books. She started early by memorizing her Dr. Seuss books read to her, so she could read them to her parents instead. She is often found with a book in her hands or a couple of books so she can lend to a friend. You can often spot her by her toe shoes.

After a long career homeschooling she continued onward to pursue her love of books by writing her own books. Love Shots is her first novel released in 2014.


My name is Elizabeth Hayes and I am from the Midwest. I have a few things I just happen to obsess over those include Hot pink and Zebra print, Unicorns, and cupcakes, and Books, I love to read and get lost in a book. I have thought about writing for a long time now and finally started to put words down. Ashlee and I are both new at this and our first book Finding Salvation is going to be thrown out there for you all to read. I must say I am having a hard time with this. I am the type of person that likes to know the outcome before I do anything. I want to know that this is going loved by most of you. The thing is I know that this book is going to be hopefully liked by some, hopefully loved by some, hated by some and just ok to some and I think I am finally ok with that. I am stepping out of my comfort zone. I hear that is a good thing. But with everything time will tell. So there you go! If you want to know more just ask.


Shari J. Ryan is an Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author, a Barnes & Noble Top 10 Bestselling author, and an iBookstore #1 Bestselling author. She hails from Central Massachusetts where she lives with her husband and two lively little boys. Shari has always had an active imagination and enjoys losing herself in the fictional worlds she creates.

When Shari isn’t writing, she can usually be found cleaning toys up off the floor.

Website: http://sharijryan.com.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorsharijryan?fref=ts


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