#EllieKeys 30 Days of Me – Get to know the author – Day Thirty

Ellie Keysget to know me

Today is Day Thirty of my daily posts of something new about me or “Get to know the author”.

Yesterday’s post was about my earliest memory. I revealed what that was.  If you missed it, then feel free to go back and check it out.

I can’t believe I completed this task! Thirty Days of ME!! They weren’t consecutive, but I finished it! When I first started, I just knew there was no way I was going to stick to this and complete that daunting list of questions. I did though! I did it! I did THAT!



One thing you’re excited for?

For this final day’s question, I decided to repeat one of the questions. Only because it is something that is prevalent to this moment. 

I’m excited that I’ve had the opportunity to share the things that I have with these thirty days. I’ve allowed myself to be open to whatever question was listed. If I changed a question, it was necessary for who I am as a person. I always said that no matter what was going on, I was going to remain true to myself. I made sure I did the same thing with this time of reflection and sharing that I had. 

I want to say thank you to every person that took a moment to read some of the insanity that I posted. It’s nice to know that someone is interested in what you have to say. I might do another as a kind of count down to the new year kind of deal. Stay tuned for that. 

I’m looking forward to sharing future works and more about myself in the future. 

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Mwah! 🙂

Day Thirty complete! Final day!

what-do-you-want dreamstimemedium_19473030-300x300what-do-you-want

Feel free to ask me a question or post a comment. It is truly welcomed! 🙂

about the author

Ellie Keys is an author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and mystery. She spends a great deal of her time lending her unrelenting pen to the voices that have taken over her mind. The characters that readers will find in her works have a demanding nature. Ellie is thrilled to be able to share the stories from the wealth of works that she has created.

She lives in Georgia with her son. Her loves outside of writing are reading a good book and losing herself in a great movie. Inspiration comes from everything around her. There is a great deal in store for lovers of romance lovers and suspense seekers.

stalk me

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